Odoo Configurations (docker)

Odoo Configurations (docker)

Bahmni/odoo-16 image is based on Odoo v16.0 which acts as a billing and inventory management system integrated with Bahmni. The image is built using Github Actions from the bahmni-odoo-modules repository.


Bahmni/odoo-10 image is based on Odoo v10.0 which acts as a billing and inventory management system integrated with Bahmni. The image is built and published using Github actions from odoo-modules repository. Note: Odoo 10 is out of support from Odoo community and there will be only limited support on bug-fixes or security patches. It is recommended to migrate to Odoo 16.

Bahmni/odoo-connect image is used to enable atomfeed sync to fetch drugs, lab-tests, patient medication orders to Odoo. The image is built and published using Github actions from openerp-atomfeed-service repository.