PACS Configurations (docker)

PACS Configurations (docker)

Bahmni/dcm4chee image runs DCM4CHEE postgres version. Bahmni/pacs-integration image is developed to enable atomfeed sync between Bahmni EMR and DCM4CHEE. Both these images are build and published using Github Actions from pacs-integration repository.


PACS setup in Bahmni uses DCM4CHEE. You can read more about it here. If you are using a fresh database setup, you need to map PACS Procedure codes as mentioned here.

In docker compose we use two different profiles pacs and pacs-simulator.

When the pacs profile is started, and when an order is made from Bahmni -> Consultation -> Orders -> Radiology Order you will be able to see the orders in Modality Worklist of DCM4CHEE / PACS. There is a one-time setup in OpenMRS that needs to be done to view Radiology Images properly. Refer 4th point in this Wiki Page


One time setup for pacs-integration

  1. SSH into the pacsdb container by running: docker compose exec -it pacsdb bash. Note: Run this from bahmni-docker/bahmni-standard directory.

  2. Run the below commands inside the container shell to setup Modality Configuration for sync:

psql -U ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_USERNAME} ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_NAME} -c "INSERT into modality VALUES (1, 'DCM4CHEE','DCM4CHEE PACS', 'dcm4chee',2575,3000);" psql -U ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_USERNAME} ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_NAME} -c "INSERT INTO order_type(id,name,modality_id) VALUES(1,'Radiology Order',1);"

Environment Configurations

PACS DB Configurations

Variable Name


Variable Name



The host name of the postgres server which runs database for dcm4chee and pacs-integration


The port of the postgres server for dcm4chee and pacs-integration


The root password given to the postgres container ie pacsdb service

DCM4CHEE Configurations

Variable Name


Variable Name



This value specifies which image version needs to be used for dcm4chee service. List of tags can be found at bahmni/dcm4chee - Tags .


The name of the database for dcm4chee service


Username for connecting to dcm4chee database


Password for connecting to dcm4chee database

PACS-Integration Configurations

Variable Name


Variable Name



This value specifies which image version needs to be used for pacs-integration service. List of tags can be found at bahmni/pacs-integration - Tags .


The name of the database for pacs-integration service


Username for connecting to pacs-integration database


Password for connecting to pacs-integration database

PACS Simulator Configurations

Should be used for testing / demo environments. In a production setup this would be replaced by actual Modality machine (Example: X-Ray Machine)

Variable Name


Variable Name



This value specifies which image version needs to be used for pacs-simulator service. List of tags can be found at bahmni/pacs-simulator - Tags .


The timeout value for PACS Simulator while sending DICOM Image to the given server


Takes either dcm4chee (or) orthanc


The URL of the PACS server. For DCM4CHEE it would be like DCM4CHEE@dcm4chee:11112


Set this to true if you want PACS Simulator automatically register itself as a modality for Radiology Order type in PACS Integration database. When set to true this would connect with pacs_integration_db

Using PACS Simulator (for test/QA purposes. Not to be used in Production)

There are two ways of uploading a DICOM image against a PACS order.

1. Manually upload DICOM Images

First find out the patient id, patient first name, patient last name and accession number of the order from modality worklist page of DCM4CHEE. Now from your terminal navigated to the bahmni-docker directory run the following command after replacing the appropriate values.

docker compose run pacs-simulator sh -c './upload.sh DCM4CHEE@dcm4chee:11112 <PATIENT_ID> <PATIENT_FIRST_NAME> <PATIENT_LAST_NAME> <ACCESSION_NUMBER>'

An example command would look like

docker compose run pacs-simulator sh -c './upload.sh DCM4CHEE@dcm4chee:11112 GAN203010 Test Radiology ORD-329'

2. Automated Method by running PACS-Simulator

The PACS Simulator service can also be started in a listen mode by running docker-compose --profile pacs-simulator up -d. When pacs-simulator profile is started, the order would be received by pacs-simulator service and a sample DICOM image will be uploaded to DCM4CHEE by pacs-simulator. And the completed order can be found in Folder tab of DCM4CHEE and also in Oviyam viewer. Now the orders will not be visible in Modality Worklist.

❗_Note:_ When pacs-simulator is started, it will update entries in pacs_integration_db modality table. Now when you want to receive the orders back in DCM4CHEE Modality Worklist make sure to update the modality table by running the below commands.

docker compose stop pacs-simulator docker compose exec -it pacsdb sh psql -U ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_USERNAME} -d ${PACS_INTEGRATION_DB_NAME} -c "UPDATE modality set ip='dcm4chee',port=2575 where id=1;" exit


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