Crater Installation Using Docker (Standalone)

Crater Installation Using Docker (Standalone)

Through the below steps Crater can be installed on any device whether it is Linux, MacOS or windows. Note, for Bahmni you can install crater using Bahmni docker compose as mentioned here (Bahmni LITE): Running Bahmni ON Docker.

The below steps are to be used only if you want to perform a standalone install of Crater.


This page will help you to install crater on your own machine.

At the end of this module you will be able to install and run crater on your on machine using docker. These instructions are taken from Crater documentation here: Installation | Crater Invoice - Open Source Documentation

Commands to follow :-

Must use bahmni-master branch(steps given below) for development :-

$cd crater $cd docker

Make sure that your other docker containers are down if not so run docker compose down inside the up container file.Now to run the crater application simply follow :-

$docker compose up -d

For development do the changes in your php code and run :-

$ yarn $ yarn build

Now you can build a docker image of php from this file and use it in bahmni-docker file.

Run the above commands and go on your browser (http://localhost is default port) your crater installation wizard will start.


Commands to follow for master branch changes :-

$ cd crater $ cp .env.example .env $ docker-compose up -d $ ./docker-compose/setup.sh

Run the above commands and go on your browser (http://localhost is default port) your crater installation wizard will start.

Do check the port on which crater is running in the docker file which you have cloned

Complete the installation wizard :-

The below window should appear if everything worked well.


On Installation wizard - Database setup, use below credentials:

  • Database Host: db

  • Database Name: crater

  • Database Username: crater

  • Database Password: crater


Verify the domain

Add your mail id and name.

Add your personal information

You are all set to use crater



Successfully installed crater invoice solution using Docker

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