Writing Documentation on Wiki

Writing Documentation on Wiki

You need to Sign-up (and login) to Bahmni's Confluence wiki to be able to comment / edit pages.

Creating New Pages

When you want to create a page, first navigate to its "parent page" under which you wish to add the new page. Then click on the Createbutton on the top of the page. The new page will then be created as a child of the current page you had opened. On top you will also see the hierarchy of the page. For more details on how to create a page in confluence, see this: https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/CONF20/Creating+a+New+Page

If you don't see the Create button, then maybe you do not have the right to edit this page. If you feel you should, please ping us on the talk channel

Moving a Page to a New Parent

If you wish to move a page to a new location, just click on the Move button for the page. Then on the pop-up, type the name of the new Parent page. If you just wish to instead re-order the page location (keeping the parent same), then click on the Reorder checkbox, and click Move. You will then get a drag option to re-order the page. For more details, read this: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/move-and-reorder-pages-146407727.html

Note that the URL of the wiki page does NOT change when you move the page or rename the page. This is GOOD because someone may have bookmarked the page, and we don't want bookmarks to become invalid.

Use Macros to Add Tips/Notes/Warnings/Info or to paste Code Snippets

Confluence supports a lot of Macros. You can trigger a macro by just typing "{" (curly brackets), and you will see lots of Macro options.

Note that, recently Atlassian shifted to a new page editor, and hence any new pages created in 2023 (or later), will use the new page editor. In the new page editor, to trigger a macro, you type "/" (forward slash) and not curly brackets. e.g for inserting a tip will type "/tip" in the new editor.

Read more here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/macros-139387.html

The most popular ones we would like to mention are: 

"{ tip"

This is a sample tip

"{ info"

This is a sample info

"{ warn"

This is a sample warning

"{ note"

This is a sample Note

"{ code"
#Sample Code
   System.out.println("This isn't Bahmni");
"{ toc"

Will inject a TABLE of CONTENTS into your document, which will show you all Headings in tree format. Very useful to add top of the page.

Tip: Please ensure you format your page headings with "Heading1, 2, 3" so that a Table of Contents can be automatically generated by this macro

"{ panel"

Creates a panel, which allows you to border/color a section differently. Looks like this:

A sample panel

This is a panel. You can write a full section inside this, and also include things like code / tables / etc.

Use this to create mini-sections, to make the page look nice to read.

You can use HTML colors (white, green, red, etc) or use the hex codes. http://htmlcolorcodes.com/

"{ expand"

Create an expand / collapse section, which is very useful to keep long pages manageable in smaller chunks (or to paste long pieces of code, etc).

 Click here to expand...

Sample code / long text here.

Creating Diagrams

Confluence provides us the Giffy Plugin to create a new diagram. The advantage of using this plugin is that anyone can edit the diagram, since the plugin works within the browser. Just use the "Insert" Menu option above to insert the Giffy Diagram.

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