URLs for Bahmni
URLs for Bahmni
Tiny URLs
http://tiny.cc allows creating unique custom URLs. We have created a few tiny urls for Bahmni based on most commonly shared pages.
Name | Tiny URL | Description |
Bahmni Wiki | Home page of Wiki | |
Bahmni Resources (Video) | http://tiny.cc/bahmni-resources | A video describing the various resources that are available to Bahmni community members. |
Bahmni Installation (Video) | http://tiny.cc/bahmni-install-video | A youtube video on Step-by-Step Installation of Bahmni |
Bahmni Demo | http://demo.bahmni.org | Demo page on Bahmni website |
Bahmni Event Calendar | Bahmni Events Calendar | Event Calendar Page |
Bahmni OpenMRS Talk | Actual OpenMRS Talk Page Q&A forum page on WIKI Actual OpenMRS Talk Page | |
Bahmni Youtube Channel | Youtube channel page | |
Bahmni Roadmap | http://tiny.cc/roadmap-bahmni | Bahmni Roadmap Page on WIKI |
Bahmni Install | http://install.bahmni.org | Install Bahmni (website page) |
Bahmni Advanced Install | http://tiny.cc/bahmni-adv-install | Advanced Installation Options for Bahmni |
Bahmni Blogs | https://medium.com/bahmni-blog | Bahmni Blogs on Medium |
The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)