

Configuration files can be located under bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/clinical of your web server. Bahmni configuration is done using json files. Amongst them the app.json file contains all the application-level configuration. The other json files are explained in the Clinical App section. 


app.json Main Section

The app.json main section contains all the app level configurations. It also defines extensions that can be used to extend the app. 

	"id": "bahmni.clinical" // Unique ID used for the app
	"extensionPoints": [
				"id": "org.bahmni.clinical.consultation.board", // Unique ID for the extension
				"description": "Bahmni Clinical Consultation Page" // Brief description of the extension
				"id": "org.bahmni.clinical.conceptSetGroup.*",
				"description": "Define conceptsets part of a conceptset group"
				"id": "org.bahmni.clinical.orders",
				"description": "Bahmni Orders Page"
				"id": "",
				"description": "Bahmni Patient search, lookups Page"
	"contextModel": [
	"config": {} //A custom object that can be used by the application. Each application has settings that it can use

app.json config section

"config" : {
	"quickPrints":false, // [Optional] To enable quick print functionality in dashboard set to `true`
    "diagnosisStatus": "Inactive",
    "program": {
        "patientInformation": {
    "obsIgnoreList" : [], // Optional array of concepts that should not be shown in clinical
    "otherInvestigationsMap": {
        "Radiology": "Radiology Order",
        "Endoscopy": "Endoscopy Order"
    "allowConsultationWhenNoOpenVisit": false,
    "defaultVisitType": "OPD",
    "visitTypeForRetrospectiveEntries": "Special OPD",
    "maxConceptSetLevels": 3,
    "allowOnlyCodedDiagnosis": false,
    "conceptSetUI": {
        "Chief Complaint Data": {
            "allowAddMore" : true
            "autocomplete" : true,
            "durationRequired" : false,
            "codedConceptName" : "Chief Complaint",
            "nonCodedConceptName" : "Non-Coded Chief Complaint"
        "Posture" : {

            "buttonSelect" : true
        "P/A Presenting Part" : {
            "buttonSelect" : true
        "FHS" : {
            "buttonSelect" : true
        "P/S (Per Speculum) - Cervix" : {
            "grid" : true
        "Anaemia, Stopped Since When" : {
            "conciseText" : true
        "Examination Notes" :{
            "conciseText" : true
        "P/A Presenting Part" : {
            "multiSelect" : true
        "Tuberculosis Intake Template" : {
            "computeDrugs" : true
        "Set1" :{
            "allowAddMore" :true
        "Set2" :{
            "allowAddMore" :true
        "Coded3" :{
            "multiSelect" :true
        "Image" :{
            "allowAddMore" :true
        "Gynaecology, Gravida" :{
            "stepper" :true
        "Accepted Family Planning methods":{
            "multiSelect": true
        "defaults" : {
            "Number of living children" : 1,
            "Accepted Family Planning methods": ["Condoms", "Pills"],
            "Pain management given": true,
            "Safe Abortion, Remarks": "Remarks",
            "Malaria, Death Date": "2015-12-01"
    "visitPage": {
        "observationDisplay" : {
            "conceptNames": []
    "drugOrder": {
        "defaultDurationUnit": "Day(s)",
        "defaultInstructions": "As directed",
        "frequencyDefaultDurationUnitsMap": [
            {"minFrequency":5, "maxFrequency": null, "defaultDurationUnit": "Hour(s)"},
            {"minFrequency":"1/7", "maxFrequency": 5, "defaultDurationUnit": "Day(s)"},
            {"minFrequency":"1/30", "maxFrequency": "1/7", "defaultDurationUnit": "Week(s)"},
            {"minFrequency":null, "maxFrequency": "1/30", "defaultDurationUnit": "Month(s)"}
        "drugFormDefaults": {
            "Ayurvedic": {
                "doseUnits": "Teaspoon",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Capsule": {
                "doseUnits": "Capsule(s)",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Cream": {
                "route": "Topical"
            "Drops": {
                "doseUnits": "Drop",
                "route": "Topical"
            "Food Supplement": {
                "doseUnits": "Unit(s)",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Gel": {
                "route": "Topical"
            "Granule": {
                "doseUnits": "Unit(s)",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Inhaler": {
                "doseUnits": "Puff(s)",
                "route": "Inhalation"
            "Injection": {
                "doseUnits": "mg",
                "route": "Intravenous"
            "Jelly": {
                "route": "Topical"
            "Liquid": {
                "doseUnits": "ml",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Lotion": {
                "route": "Topical"
            "Ointment": {
                "route": "Topical"
            "Pessary": {
                "doseUnits": "Unit(s)",
                "route": "Per Vaginal"
            "Powder": {
                "doseUnits": "mg",
                "route": "Topical"
            "Solution": {
                "doseUnits": "ml",
                "route": "Topical"
            "Spray": {
                "doseUnits": "Puff(s)",
                "route": "Nasal"
            "Syrup": {
                "doseUnits": "ml",
                "route": "Oral"
            "Tablet": {
                "doseUnits": "Tablet(s)",
                "route": "Oral"

From version 0.90obsIgnoreList for programs will supported as well.

On this Page


The Bahmni documentation is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)