'bahmni' command line tool will be available in the machine where we install the 'bahmni-installer' rpm -Install Bahmni on CentOS#Step2:PerformthefollowingstepstoinstalltheRPMs
To take db-backup, following command has to be executed:
bahmni -i local db-backup
If custom inventory file is setup, following command has to be executed:
bahmni -i <inventory_file_name> db-backup
The command will take the backup of each database into a seperate file in the machine where the databases are present at file location /db-backup as below:

Optionally, it would also allow you to copy the backup to the machine from where the command is executed by shooting the following question:
Do you want to copy db backup to local machine in /db-backup directory? y/N: y
This would be useful in multi-machine setup where databases are present at different location. When all databases are present in the same machine from which command is executed, 'N' can be given as the answer to the above question.
To restore the database, `db-restore` command from bahmni command line tool can be used. The command can restore only one database at a time and it will drop the database if already present and then restore the specified dump file.
The syntax of db-restore command is as follows:
bahmni -db <database_name> -path <zipped_sql_file_path> db-restore
# If custom inventory file is present
bahmni -i <inventory_file_name> -db <database_name> -path <zipped_sql_file_path> db-restore
bahmni -i jss -db openmrs -path /db-backup/openmrs_dump_20160525-155357.sql.gz db-restore
bahmni -i jss -db clinlims path /db-backup/clinlims_dump_20160525-155359.sql.gz db-restore
Automated db-backup
Download the backup script
wget https://gist.githubusercontent.com/sravanthi17/27e239bfe1e0773d982f7b715fa582b3/raw/178ccc164693d9c134dd3324387ce38b3dd7783b/db-backup.sh {path_to_save_script}
Create a crontab
If you want to setup an automated schedule to backup, then you can create a crontab entry to trigger this command periodically. For example:
# Edit the crontab file of root user
crontab -u root -e
# Make entry as (for running twice a day at 2PM, and 10PM)
00 14,22 * * * sudo {path_to_save_script}/backup.sh
00 14,22 * * * sudo {path_to_save_script}/backup.sh
# eg. 00 14,22 * * * sudo {path_to_save_script}/backup.sh
# eg. 00 14,22 * * * sudo {path_to_save_script}/backup.sh
# Add this entry in crontab to delete files older than 15 days from /db-backup folder (every evening at 6 PM)
00 18 * * * /usr/bin/find /db-backup -type f -mtime +15 -exec /bin/rm -f {} \;
For more examples on crontab entries read this: crontab