IPD App and Tab Setup


1. Configure the In-Patient App

Add the configuration in extension.json file in home folder https://github.com/Bahmni/default-config/blob/master/openmrs/apps/home/extension.json to view the app. 

"adt": {
    "id": "bahmni.adt",
    "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.home.dashboard",
    "type": "link",
    "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_INPATIENT_KEY",
    "url": "../adt/",
    "icon": "icon-bahmni-inpatient",
    "order": 4,
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:adt"

2. Configure Tabs

Add the configuration in extension.json file in the adt folder here https://github.com/Bahmni/default-config/blob/master/openmrs/apps/adt/extension.json : 

Configure "To Admit" Tab

    This tab is used to view the the list of patients who are asked to admit.

        "id": "bahmni.adt.patients.search.patientsToAdmit",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "searchHandler": "emrapi.sqlSearch.patientsToAdmit",
            "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_TO_ADMIT_KEY",
        "label": "To Admit",
        "order": 1,
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:adt"

Configure Admitted Tab

    This tab is used to view the the list of patients who are already admitted.

        "id": "bahmni.adt.patients.search.patientsAdmitted",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "searchHandler": "emrapi.sqlSearch.admittedPatients",
            "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_ADMITTED_KEY",
            "forwardUrl" : "#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/transfer"
        "label": "Admitted",
        "order": 2,
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:adt"

Configure "To Discharge" Tab

This tab is used to view the the list of patients who have to be discharged.

        "id": "bahmni.adt.patients.search.patientsToDischarge",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "searchHandler": "emrapi.sqlSearch.patientsToDischarge",
            "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_TO_DISCHARGE_KEY",
            "forwardUrl" : "#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/discharge"
        "label": "To Discharge",
        "order": 3,
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:adt"

Configure "All" Tab

This tab is used to view the the list of patients who have to be admitted.

        "id": "bahmni.adt.patients.search.allPatients",
        "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
        "type": "config",
        "extensionParams": {
            "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_ALL_KEY",
            "forwardUrl" : "#/patient/{{patientUuid}}/visit/{{visitUuid}}/admit"
        "label": "All",
        "order": 4,
        "requiredPrivilege": "app:adt"

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