2015-07-30 Meeting notes

2015-07-30 Meeting notes




  • Order Sets (Combination of all orders, drugs, tests, radiology etc.)
  • Trigger Alerts

Discussion items

 Order Sets 
  • Jonathan suggested that we can have a shopping cart where all the orders will be accumulated in the chronological way the doctor orders them for a particular patient. The doctor can then review the orders and add or remove orders from that and then order all of them at once. This model would work better for IPD.
 Trigger Alerts 
  • Drug based alerts - Corollary orders should be generated when we press "Add" drug. The suggestion generated should have options "No Thanks" and "Add order". Clicking on it should take the user to the drug orders tab where the field will be pre-populated with the suggested drug in the suggested dose which can be edited and added to the order.
    Drug-Drug interaction - The alert should have, on itself, the option to remove either of the interacting drugs.

Action items


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