2015-08-11 Meeting notes

2015-08-11 Meeting notes




  • Medication List
  • Culture Test

Discussion items

 Medication List 
  • Refer to Ebola EHR (The model can be picked from there).
  • Can have an action button (edit/stop/start new drug) in front of each line item
  • Medication history where we can grab the details of all the medications given
  • Sequence of drugs can be chronological or reverse chronological or can be grouped as different classes of drugs (e.g - TB drugs clubbed together and other drugs come below that).
  • Continuous orders for some meds can be shown together
  • Drugs given only one time should also be active for a few hours so that they are not missed out for drug interactions in CDS

 Culture Test 
  • Specimens should be a drop down as they will be limited in number
  • Organisms and Antibiotics can be built into different sets for different specimens as most of the time there are specific organisms in a specimen and a specific set of antibiotics is used for those organisms.
  • Organisms can be created as concepts in Open MRS (refer to MCL website for concept dictionaries) http://www.maternalconceptlab.com/search.php

Action items


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