The programs in the MDR-TB module seem TB specific. On a high level the parameters that are being recorded mainly in the enrollment part and the way program related data is stored is similar to generic OpenMRS programs.
The Workflows are also TB specific
The lab results section seems much more generic and can be used for entering other bacteriology results where data about smear and cultures are to be recorded.
The sample_type set seems pretty complete for any smear or culture test. (but specifically for TB).
Appearance should change according to the sample type and that does not seem to be happening at the moment. Need to check that.
Coming to the results section, this seems complete and generic for culture tests and smears.
A field that can be added is MIC or minimum Inhibitory concentration.
Another thing that might be good to have is the ability to add details about more than one organism for the same culture.
A plan to do this is to create multiple entries for the same culture sample and record different organisms to each but that's not recommended.
Keep the first 8 boxes constant on this screen constant and just give the ability to add one more result (Specimen Result screen)
The hierarchy of general samples is Specimen>Smear/Culture>Organism>Drug sensitive