Bahmni Lite Helm Charts

Bahmni Lite Helm Charts

What is Helm-chart?

Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes.
Helm uses a packaging format called charts. A chart is a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases, caches, and so on.


Why Bahmni prefer using helm-charts ?

Bahmni preferred using helm-charts over other tools due to the following reasons:

🔘 Reduces the complexity of deploying microservices 🔘 Simplifies deployment scripts and files (all defined in YAML) 🔘 Improves the productivity of the deployments and rollback 🔘 Provides a way of versioning the Kubernetes resources as a single unit.

Bahmni: Helm Charts

Bahmni is using Helm-charts for its Kubernetes Packaging Structure . All the deployments in the Lite env happened using helm-charts deployment. We have implemented helm-umbrella-charts for better management of resources.

Below is the K8s packaging Structure we follow in Bahmni:

Helm with Umbrella Charts Directory Structure for Applications: --- bahmni (openmrs-module-bahmniapps repo) - package - docker - Dockerfile - .... - helm -- Chart.yaml --> holds the chart definition -- values.yaml --> default values, secret ref - templates -- deployment -- service -- secrets --- openmrs (openmrs-module-bahmni-distro repo) - package - docker - Dockerfile - ... - helm -- Chart.yaml --> holds the chart definition -- values.yaml --> default values, secret ref - templates -- deployment -- service -- secrets ================================================================================= ================================================================================= --- helm-charts (https://github.com/Bahmni/helm-charts/tree/gh-pages) -- openmrs (Application folder) - openmrs-<release_tag>.tgz ---> Relase of <Application> -- clinic-config - clinic-config-<Release_tag>.tgz --- Umbrella charts (https://github.com/Bahmni/helm-umbrella-chart) -- Chart.yaml --> Contains the dependencies defined helm-charts - clinic - dev.yaml - qa.yaml - demo.yaml - prod.yaml


All the Deployments are automated using Github actions. Refer the repository links attached with helm-charts & Umbrella-charts.


  • For any application in Bahmni we have followed the above directory structure.

    • Lets refer to Bahmni-lab repo as an example

    • Docker folder contains Dockerfile & other related files needed for docker-compose setup

    • Helm folder contains the helm templates like, values.yaml, chart.yaml & related Kubernetes components definition like deployments , services , secrets etc.

  • Helm-charts: This is used to store the deployed helm-charts tagged build under gh-pages

  • Umbrella-charts: This is used to define the dependent charts to be deployed in the environment along with the individual env values defined in dev.yaml , qa.yaml , demo.yaml .

Pipeline Visualisation

Below is the pictorial representation of deployment pipeline.


Video Recording about Bahmni Helm-charts

Passcode: VB?WSC#3

NOTE: Please contact Infra squad (Slack: #bahmni-infra) if you are facing any issues related to helm-charts & Deployments

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