Bahmni OpenMRS Platform Upgrade from 2.1.6 to 2.4.2

Bahmni OpenMRS Platform Upgrade from 2.1.6 to 2.4.2

This is the document for OpenMRS 2.4.2 upgrade in the Bahmni Distribution.

To setup Bahmni:2.4.2 on local

  1. Clone below repository

  GitHub - BahmniIndiaDistro/bahmni-india-package: Docker compose setup for Bahmni with India ABDM modules and services.

  1. Please refer to below README filebahmni-package/bahmni-docker/README.md at master · Bahmni/bahmni-package (Note: As part of openmrs:2.4.2 upgrade we haven’t tested the sync between EMR, Elis and EMR, Odoo, created a backlog card to work on it)


Below are the open issues we have with OMRS:2.4.2


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Data Setup in Bahmni

Bahmni distro bundled with the initializer module. We can use the initializer module to set up the metadata in Bahmni. Please refer to README.md to import the metadata.

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