Odoo Purchase Configuration

Odoo Purchase Configuration

Price Markup 

Bahmni provides a customized module for Odoo, through which you can define markup percentages to be applied over a product's cost price to be determined as unit price. 

To define the ranges and applicable markups, you need to do the following:

  • Navigate to Menu → Bahmni → Bahmni Masters → Sale Price Markup Rule

  • Define the ranges of Cost Price and the percentage that needs to be applied for that range.


  • Go to "Menu / Purchases / Configuration / Price Markup Table"

  • Define ranges of price, and applicable markup percentages for each range


Now when you receive a product, and if the product was configured for “Tracking By Lots”, then you will find that Sales price will be calculated based on the above configuration.

Odoo 16
Odoo 10

In the above screenshot, the "Sale Price" is calculated based on the markup percentage defined over "Cost Price" (in this case 10%)


Enable using the markup price as Unit Price in Sale Quotations

NOTE: Setting up the markup percentages and receiving the products, does not mean that the lots/Serial based costs calculated through markups will apply by default.

  • Navigate to Menu -> Settings -> Bahmni

  • Under Sale Configurations, toggle the Sale Price Markup Rule option to use the markup price as Unit price for Sale Quotations.



  • Note: Enabling this feature will restrict the rules of pricelist being applied on that specific order line item.

If you want the “sale price” of the Lots/Serial to reflect on “Sale order”, you will need to enable “Determine sale price based on cost price markup” option under “Menu / Sales / Configuration / Settings / Markup”.






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