Common to all diseases
Common to all diseases
Patient details
- Husbands / Fathers name in full
- Caste
- Category
- Village (Drop Down list)
- Cluster (Drop Down list)
- Occupation
- Land Holding
- Debts
- BPL Card Holder
- Income
- Some measure of rural economic status e.g Kuppuswamy scale - derive from:
- Education
- Occupation of the head of the household
- Income of family
- Social group
- Distance from center (calculated based on village/district)
- Urban/Rural
- Literacy (Education Details in registration)
- Duration of illness before diagnosis
- Treatment at the time of diagnosis
- Weight at diagnosis
- Height at diagnosis
- Waist circumference
- Hip circumference
- Current treatment of disease
- Status of treatment (On treatment, cured, not cured, Not taking treatment etc)
- Complication
- Current status of the patient (death, cured) (should be handled via Treatment outcome concept)
- Associated disease (also a diagnosis?, if so there it can be removed from here)
- Who has followed up the patient?
, multiple selections available,
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