Meeting Minutes - 6th Dec 2016
David Citrin, Anant, Deepak N, Akhil, Karrtik, Vinod
- Vinod set the context on why we are doing a walk-through of the contract
- Contract walkthrough
o 2 tracks
§ Track 1 is specific to what Possible has requested
§ Track 2 are areas that is of interest for both Possible and ThoughtWorks
o David Citrin concurred with this thinking and also mentioned that DHIS 2 is of the highest priority
o Vinod also mentioned that while we have these items in Track 1 and Track 2 they are aspirational in that realistically we may not beable to complete all of the scope in its entirety.
§ We do not have an indication of how big the functionality is.
§ An inception maybe required to uncover what actually it takes to build MVP.
o Vinod then highlighted that the contract is set-out as a Time and Material engagement and it essentially provides effort of 812 persondays from August 2016 to June 30th 2017. Within this effort and timeframe, Thoughtworks and Possible will work in a spirit ofpartnership to add value to the engagement and the hospitals that they serve. One should be realistic and understand that not all itemsmentioned in the Track 1 and Track 2 (such as In-patient Functionality for eg.) would get addressed in this period.
o David and Anant agreed to this view. David mentioned that Possible appreciates that we are working within constraints and in adynamic environment
o David also thanked the ThoughtWorks team for the work we have been doing with Possible in Nepal. Karrtik reciprocated the sameand mentioned that we have been getting steadfast support and guidance from Anant and team as well.
o Vinod then suggested that we could touch base in January to explore on writing a paper to disseminate the Possible work through areputed Healthcare JournalStart in Jan about writing a paper about Bahmni usage
o David Citrin agreed to this and mentioned that there is already one paper under review which was commenced 3-4 months back.
o David C: Understands this and is agreeable to work together to iterate and prioritize the most important items which are needed forPossible and Nepal.
- Vinod then mentioned about the benefits of working in an Agile way. As an example he gave the instance of the analytics work we had donewhich was appreciated by Anant and the Doctors in the hospital as well. This was not marked out in the contract or the requirements. Howeverit came through because the team was interested and saw a need in it. Vinod also mentioned that ThoughtWorks is interested to pursueanalytics work further, primarily because it is of interest to all parties while at the same time, there is no dependency or impediment that we faceto explore this. In the case of DHIS2 for eg. we may have dependencies in getting the requirements and as well as time from stakeholders toshowcase what we have created.
- David Citrin mentioned that Possible is also very interested in analytics and it is one of their focus area especially in the quarter.
- Vinod raised the risk related to tactical requests in terms of ERP, and new requests for reports that have started to come up., This rendersus unable to focus that much on DHIS2 or any strategic work.
- David Citrin understands this tension and committed to support us in terms of balancing the expectations between tactical and strategic work.
- Vinod suggested that as a start we should work on a minimum viable product of DHIS2 before we pick up any ERP work. Anand mentionedthat we need to talk to operations for discussing the priority whether they are ready for DHIS2 vs ERP priority. Anand also said that 2-3 thingson ERP are absolutely required.
- On DHIS2 Anant confirmed that, given the nature of the data at the moment we will need a workflow in DHIS2 to validate data as well ascorrect data before submitting to DHIS2
- Karrtik requested to Anant to follow up with ERP team to prioritize the ERP items.
- Analytics: Discussion with SME's to be set up -which will be actioned by Karrtik. Also Karrtik to send out the details of analytics work done toDavid Citrin.
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