Roadmap Review Meeting - July 9th 2015
Roadmap Review Meeting - July 9th 2015
- Abhinav Peddada
- Arjun
- Arun Paul
- Akhil Malhotra
- Emerson Hernandez
- Pankaj Kanchankar
- Sushma Rao (Deactivated)
- VivekV
- Arun talked to Kanaan. The master data setup that they are working on now includes lab, drugs and diagnosis at it’s 90% done. Only after finishing they will start something new.
- They have found a vendor for the hardware and will have an answer about it in the beginning of next week.
The Banyan
- Still unsure when the hardware will be delivered.
- Pankaj talked to them and it seems that the focus on Clinical things are not priority for now because it may slow them down.
- We probably will not have any updates until October
- Feedback cards have been created
- We should plan a remote release for after the monsoon season, when the internet will be more reliable
- Another release happening on July 10th
- Until now, no feedback. Probably they haven’t started using the new features
- OpenERP is for Bayalpata, not for a second hospital.
- They are happy with the new features around prescription and pharmacy
- For now they are facing more peripheral problems (like network)
- There are some conversations around “Learning Portal”.
Action Items
- Abhinav will update the roadmap on wiki
- Arun will confirm hw delivery date so we can plan the release accordingly
- Abhinav will revisit some of the cards for Hemalkasa and break them down if they are too big.
Other topics
- The feedback that we receive after going live is creating an amount of 5-6 cards and it may be planned as a stream for next release. Peaches must be an exception.
- Sushma / Abhinav / Implementation Lead need to see the urgency of the cards that come and decide if it should go to a patch or not.
- Tata Trust can potentially help us with funding. How should we move forward with this?
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