Configuring OpenERP in PyCharm For Development
Configuring OpenERP in PyCharm For Development
The instructions are based on the wiki page - http://bloopark.de/en_US/blog/the-bloopark-times-1/post/setup-odoo-development-on-os-x-with-pycharm-109 . This one talks about Odoo (OpenERP 8). The below guide talks more specifically about OpenERP 7 and Installing Bahmni ERP customizations.
- Download PyCharm from the Jetbrains site. The community edition should be sufficient.
https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/ - Ensure that Homebrew is installed in your Mac machine.
- If Python is not installed, run the following command:
brew install python
- Install local Postgres server or we can use the one that is available in vagrant box or docker container.
- Install relevant python modules using the following command:
brew install freetype jpeg libpng libtiff webp xz
- Perform the following link operation to freetype2
ln -s /usr/local/include/freetype2 /usr/local/include/freetype
- Installing Python modules using pip will be a cleaner option. Please follow the commands.
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv ~/odoo-env
. ~/odoo-env/bin/activate - At this point, the command "which python" should point us to
- Download the OpenERP version used in Bahmni.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/wjf7jlcm4c3txbc/openerp-7.0-20130301-002301.tar.gz?dl=0 - Unzip it to some location. Lets say (~/openerp-7.0-20130301-002301)
- Run the openerp setup using the following command from the unzipped folder:
python setup.py install - Once the installation is complete, you can start the openerp using the following command.
./openerp-server --database openerp --without-demo all --db_host <your_database_host> --update all
Start the PyCharm and Open the project. Select the folder (~/openerp-7.0-20130301-002301)
- Configure the "Run..." settings (Run > Run ...)
- Ensure that the Python Interpreter is selected as the one created in Step 7.
- Checkout https://github.com/Bhamni/openerp-modules
- Copy the modules to addons folder of your openerp installation (~/openerp-7.0-20130301-002301/openerp/addons)
- PyCharm's "Run" command will start OpenERP.