Bahmni Mart Installation Setup

Bahmni Mart Installation Setup

1. For cleaning up postgres from instance ( Not required for all scenarios, only required if we want a different version of postgres from what we already have in the bahmni instance)

yum remove postgresql -y yum remove postgres\* -y rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql yum list installed | grep postgres

2. Remove bahmni-mart if installed before

yum remove bahmni-mart -y

3. Download bahmni-mart playbook

wget -O /tmp/bahmni-mart-playbook.zip https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-mart-playbook/archive/refs/heads/master.zip && unzip -o /tmp/bahmni-mart-playbook.zip -d /tmp && sudo rm -rf /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook && sudo mv /tmp/bahmni-mart-playbook-master /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook && rm -rf /tmp/bahmni-mart-playbook.zip

4. If we want bahmni-mart installed on both master and slave machine please use the commands to get the mart_inventory file below

change the bahmni-mart url based on the latest artefact

cd /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/ mv bahmni-mart bahmni-mart_bkp wget https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-mart-playbook/raw/master/inventories/mart_inventory mv mart_inventory bahmni-mart
Update ip for fresh installation of mart
vi /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart # delete the line with content '<master_ip> ansible_connection=local' # add below line as first line <master_ip> ansible_connection=ssh ansible_ssh_user=root

5. For standalone instance where we don’t have master and slave setup the below inventory is being used

localhost ansible_connection=local [bahmni-emr-db] localhost [bahmni-mart] localhost [bahmni-mart-db] localhost [bahmni-mart-db-slave] [bahmni-mart-scdf] [metabase] localhost [metabase-db] localhost [metabase-db-slave] [local:children] bahmni-mart bahmni-mart-db bahmni-mart-db-slave bahmni-mart-scdf bahmni-emr-db metabase metabase-db metabase-db-slave
  1. Since the master-slave set-up is not available, remove all the lines with <slave_ip>

  2. Update master_ip

Remove entries under [bahmni-mart-db-slave], [bahmni-mart-scdf], [metabase-db-slave] in the bahmni-mart inventory file

vi /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart

6. Verify and update the below parameters in setup.yml

cd /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook

bahmni_mart_url: https://github.com/Bahmni/bahmni-mart/releases/download/2.0.4/bahmni-mart-2.0.4.noarch.rpm bahmni_mart_version: "2.0.4" openmrs_db_password: P@ssw0rd metabase_db_password: password analytics_db_password: password postgres_password: password metabase_with_ssl: false custom_keystore_location: "<ssl certificate in jks format>" metabase_keystore_password: <password of jks cert> mail_subject: "Notification regarding failed jobs" mail_from: "no-reply@bahmni-mart.notifications" mail_recipients: "<mail recipients separated by comma>" analytics_db_user: analytics metabase_db_user: metabase analytics_db_name: analytics metabase_db_name: metabase

If user wants to install mart with latest bahmni_mart_url then user need to update bahmni_mart_version to the rpm version so that it will install the latest mart.

Modify the file “/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/roles/postgres/defaults/main.yml” with below entries

postgres92_repo_rpm_name: pgdg-centos92-9.2-7.noarch.rpm postgres96_repo_rpm_name: pgdg-redhat-repo-42.0-11.noarch.rpm postgres92_repo_download_url: http://yum.postgresql.org/9.2/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/{{postgres92_repo_rpm_name}} postgres96_repo_download_url: https://yum.postgresql.org/9.6/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/{{postgres96_repo_rpm_name}}

7. Metabase without ssl

ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "custom_ssl,lets_encrypt_ssl,authentication"
Metabase with let's encrypt ssl(optional)
ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "without_ssl,custom_ssl,authentication"
Metabase with custom ssl(optional)
ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "without_ssl,lets_encrypt_ssl,authentication"
Add necessary jobs or Remove the extra jobs from bahmni-mart.json
vi /var/www/bahmni_config/bahmni-mart/bahmni-mart.json

8. Add access privileges to Vagrant IP in pg_hba.conf

vi /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf

Update the file with the below entry

host all all trust

Restart Postgresql

systemctl restart postgressql-9.6

9. Run bahmni mart

bahmni-mart # check the logs tail -100f /var/log/bahmni-mart/bahmni-mart.log
Check if following URLs are accessible
docker ps docker stop <METABASE CONTAINER ID> docker start metabase http://<host>:9003/


To connect metabase with a analytics database (when using without ssl)

Host : IP of the machine as seen by Metabase docker container. E.g:

port : 5432

Database name : analytics

Database username : analytics

Database password : password


Docker container (metabase and scdf) removal step need to be added.


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