Installation steps for DataFlowServer

Installation steps for DataFlowServer

Assumption: Bahmni-mart is installed in the instance

Enable Bahmni-mart-scdf in the inventory file

vi /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart localhost ansible_connection=local [bahmni-emr-db] localhost [bahmni-mart] localhost [bahmni-mart-db] localhost [bahmni-mart-db-slave] [bahmni-mart-scdf] localhost [metabase] localhost [metabase-db] localhost [metabase-db-slave] [local:children] bahmni-mart bahmni-mart-db bahmni-mart-db-slave bahmni-mart-scdf bahmni-emr-db metabase metabase-db metabase-db-slave
Run the below playbook to Deploy mart with data flow server
ansible-playbook -i /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/inventories/bahmni-mart /etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/all.yml --extra-vars '@/etc/bahmni-mart-playbook/setup.yml' --skip-tags "custom_ssl,lets_encrypt_ssl" -vvv
To ensure Data flow server container is installed, run
docker ps
Verify the docker container for that the data flow server is running



Note: Make sure that 9393 port is open to access Data flow server UI.
Linux Command to check if a port is open: sudo lsof -i:9393

To run Bahmni mart on the data flow server UI

Access DataFlowServer UI at <ip/DNS_server_name>:9393. Navigate to tasks and click on run for the 'create-bahmni-mart task'.


When Bahmni-mart runs successfully, user will be able to see the start date and end date for the ‘create-bahmni-mart' task under Executions tab



Steps to remove an installed data flow server

We can remove an installed data flow server using two approaches.

Approach 1: Delete the data flow server’s docker container

Approach 2: Disable Bahmni-mart-scdf in the inventory file


Known issues and their respective steps to fix:

  1. When user runs the ‘create-bahmni-mart’ task for the first time, there might be an issue with the access permissions which will be shown in the logs as below.


Steps to fix:


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