Bahmni-Mart Setup with MySQLWorkbench & DBeaver

Bahmni-Mart Setup with MySQLWorkbench & DBeaver


  1. Generate public key using

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  1. For latest DBeaver, ​Run this on your key to convert it to RSA private key.

ssh-keygen -p -m PEM -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa



1.MySQLWorkbench 2.DBeaver

Connecting using MySQLWorkbench:

Change the connection method to Standard TCP/IP over SSH, by default, connection method will be set to Standard (TCP/IP) Hostname: “<DomainName>” Username: “centos” SSH key file path: “provide the path to id_rsa file” MySQL Hostname: “localhost” MySQL Server Port: “3306” Username: “root”

Once all the details are added, Test Connection and ideally you see the “Connection Successful” popup.





Connecting to POSTGRESS using DBeaver:

Select postgress DB while creating a new connection Select SSH tab and check “Use SSH Tunnel” option Host/IP: “<DomainName>” Port: 22 User Name: “centos” Authentication Method: “Public Key” Private Key: “provide the path to id_rsa file”


Once all the details are added, Test Connection and ideally you see the “Connection Successful” popup. 


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