Bahmni EMR Frontend (Bahmni UI)

Bahmni EMR Frontend (Bahmni UI)

EMR Frontend uses a Apache Server that runs bahmni-ui. The configurations and installations are done by bahmni-web RPM.


The following diagram explains how various postinstall steps by bahmni-web RPM is moved across different services in docker:


Action Plan:

  1. Build bahmni-web image containing bahmniapps and bahmni_config DONE

  2. Build Proxy Image with proxy configs and Bahmni Index page DONE

  3. Bake default_config into images that need (OpenMRS, OpenELIS, Bahmni Web) DONE

  4. Configure SSL config in proxy image

  5. Configure client side logging DEFFERED FOR LATER

  6. Configure Github Actions for Build and Publish of frontend images

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