Configure CSV Export

Configure CSV Export

Purpose and Benefits

The CSV export feature is used for data migration to and from Bahmni. The user has to have app:admin privilege to use this feature.


1. Configure CSV Export Tab

To make CSV export appear in the Admin module, add the following configuration to the extension.json file. The file can be found in the "/config/openmrs/apps/admin/"  folder.

Modify the "extension.json" to contain the snippet below:

    "id": "bahmni.admin.csvExport",
    "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.admin.dashboard",
    "type": "link",
    "extensionParams": {
    "label": "CSV Export",
    "url": "#/csvExport",
    "icon": "fa-download",
    "order": 1,
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:registration"


Key Fields 

Points the app to the csv export stateYes
The icon that will be displayed on the buttonNo
The text that will be rendered on the buttonYes

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