Obs Control

Obs Control

Obs Control exists in two different modes namely Runtime and Designer modes.

Obs Designer Control

Obs Control can be dragged and dropped on to the Canvas in Implementer Interface. An Obs Control needs to be associated to a Concept Source. When the dropped Obs Control is clicked, a search box (autocomplete) will be enabled which can be used to associate concept to the control. 

Based on the data type of the concept associated, appropriate control (like Numeric Box, Text Box, etc) along with a label will be displayed.

Properties for the Obs Control will be shown in property editor section and can be changed.

More information about properties can be found in Configuring Properties.

Default display value(Label)

The value of label is the concept name but this value can be edited if required.

Once a concept is selected (associate to the control), it cannot be edited.


Currently, the following dataTypes are supported in Obs Control:

Obs Runtime Control

In runtime mode, Obs Control is rendered with all the properties that were saved during design time. The properties cant be edited in this mode. Runtime Obs Control is rendered in the observation forms (templates) on Bahmni. Observations can be captured for the concepts associated to these controls.

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