How to setup Bahmni-ABDM Features

How to setup Bahmni-ABDM Features


Bahmni has been ABDM certified. This document aim to explain the repositories which contains the Bahmni-ABDM integration code and how to setup ABDM features on an existing Bahmni implementation.



  1. ABDM Sandbox client ID and Secrete

  2. HIU/HIP services and Bridges defined.


Github Organisation



  1. NDHM-React
    This repository contains the frontend code for ABHA verification pop-up.
    Tech stack- ReactJs


2. HIP Service
This repository contains code to interact with ABDM gateway APIs and Database.
HIP- Health information Provider refers to clinical establishments which generate or store customer data in digital form. These include hospitals, primary or secondary health care centres, nursing homes, diagnostic centres, clinics, medical device companies and other such entities as may be identified by regulatory authorities from time to time

Tech stack- C#


3. HIP Service Backend
This module is supporting the HIP service with all necessary openmrs/bahmni-core endpoints exposed that are required by the HIP service
Tech stack- Java



This Module consist of all the UI code for HIU ( Health Information User)


5. HIU Backend

This module has the backend code for HIU which interacts with the ABDM gateway and Database.
Tech stack- Java

6. bahmniapps and default config
These modules are bahmni frontend modules which contains the extension point changes for ABDM.
Tech stack- angularJs


Setup Steps

[20-July-2023] The steps mentioned below are older. The currently recommend way to Install Bahmni with ABDM modules is to use the docker-compose version of Bahmni that is packaged in this repository here: GitHub - BahmniIndiaDistro/bahmni-india-package: Docker compose setup for Bahmni with India ABDM modules and services. . Read the following instructions: Running Bahmni with ABDM Integration on Docker

The following steps can be followed to setup ABDM features on top of existing Bahmni installation:

  1. Install Bahmni.

  2. Download ndhm artefact and place it at /var/www/

    #Download ndhm artefact yum https://github.com/BahmniIndiaDistro/ndhm-react/releases/download/Release_v1/ndhm.zip unzip ndhm.zip -d ndhm mv ndhm /var/www/ chown bahmni:bahmni /var/www/ndhm
  3. Download Bahmniapps artefact and place it at /var/www/

    #Download bahmnniapps artefact yum https://github.com/BahmniIndiaDistro/ndhm-react/releases/download/Release_v1/bahmniapps.zip unzip bahmniapps.zip -d bahmniapps mv bahmniapps /var/www/ chown bahmni:bahmni /var/www/bahmniapps
  4. Download bahmni_config artefact and place it at /var/www/

    #Download bahmni_config artefact yum https://github.com/BahmniIndiaDistro/ndhm-react/releases/download/Release_v1/bahmni_config.zip unzip bahmni_config.zip -d bahmni_config mv bahmni_config /var/www/ chown bahmni:bahmni /var/www/bahmni_config
  5. Download hip omod artefact and place it at /opt/openmrs/modules

  6. #Download hip artefact yum https://github.com/BahmniIndiaDistro/ndhm-react/releases/download/Release_v1/hipmodule.omod mv hipmodule.omod /opt/openmrs/modules/ chown bahmni:bahmni /opt/openmrs/modules/hipmodule.omod
  7. Deploy the following dependencies as well.

    yum https://github.com/BahmniIndiaDistro/ndhm-react/releases/download/Release_v1/fhir2-omod-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.omod mv fhir2-omod-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.omod /opt/openmrs/modules/ chown bahmni:bahmni /opt/openmrs/modules/fhir2-omod-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.omod


  8. Use the following docker-compose.yml for hip and docker-compose.yml for HIU to pull down the images(hip-service image (bahmnicovid19/health-information-provider:latest), hiu-backend(bahmnicovid19/health-information-user:latest), hiu ui( bahmnicovid19/hiu-ui:latest) from docker hub) and start up the containers

  9. Run the following command to restart openmrs:

    systemctl restart openmrs
  10. Update /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf file to have the following

    Alias /ndhm /var/www/ndhm
  11. Restart httpd service

    systemctl restart httpd


Development steps can be found in the read me of all the repositories.



Reference Material:

  1. ABDM Sandbox (for testing purposes)

  2. ABDM Ecosystem

  3. ABDM Checklist for certified products like Bahmni

  4. ABDM HIP use-cases

  5. ABDM HIU use-cases

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