Birth Certificate

Birth Certificate


It can be used to create a control to add a Birth Certificate


Add a birthCertificate directive

Consider the following example to add a birthCertificate as a new directive:

'use strict';
    .directive('birthCertificate', ['observationsService', 'appService', 'spinner', function (observationsService, appService, spinner) {
            var link = function ($scope,element) {
                var conceptNames = ["HEIGHT"];
                $scope.contentUrl = appService.configBaseUrl() + "/customDisplayControl/views/birthCertificate.html";
                spinner.forPromise(observationsService.fetch($scope.patient.uuid, conceptNames, "latest", undefined, $scope.visitUuid, undefined).then(function (response) {
                    $scope.observations = response.data;
                }), element);
            return {
                restrict: 'E',
                template: '<ng-include src="contentUrl"/>',
                link: link
  • In the above example, the concept names we want to fetch is configured in the variable conceptNames.
  • To display the spinner for each display control while loading, element should be passed in spinner.forPromise() as shown in the above example.
  • You can create your own template in the directive "openmrs/apps/customDisplayControl/views/"

Create a birthCertificate Display page

Consider the following example to create a birthCertificate.html:

    <section class="dashboard-section">
        <ul class="form-field">
            <li ng-repeat="obsGroup in observations">
                <span class="obs-date"> {{obsGroup.conceptNameToDisplay }} </span>
                <span class="obs-date"> {{obsGroup.value}} </span>

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