Bahmni-Mart Json File

Bahmni-Mart Json File

This is the default bahmni_mart json file, where we could find reference for all the jobs mentioned below

programs patients Appointments Bed Management Location Operation Theater Person Provider Visits And Encounters Medication And Orders Diagnoses And Conditions Bacteriology Data MetaData Dictionary Obs Data Form2 Obs Data Registration Second Page Disposition Data
{ "jobs": [ { "name": "Programs", "type": "programs", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Patients", "type": "patients", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Appointments", "type": "appointments", "chunkSizeToRead": "500", "groupedJobConfigs": [ { "tableName": "appointment_service_default", "columnsToIgnore": [ ] } ] }, { "name": "Bed Management", "type": "bedManagement", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Location", "type": "location", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Operation Theater", "type": "operationTheater", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Person", "type": "person", "chunkSizeToRead": "500", "groupedJobConfigs": [ { "tableName": "person_attributes", "columnsToIgnore": [ "primaryContact", "secondaryContact", "primaryRelative", "familyNameLocal", "givenNameLocal", "middleNameLocal" ] }, { "tableName": "person_details_default", "columnsToIgnore": [ "prefix", "given_name", "middle_name", "family_name_prefix", "family_name", "family_name2", "family_name_suffix" ] } ] }, { "name": "Provider", "type": "provider", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Visits And Encounters", "type": "visitsAndEncounters", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Medication And Orders", "type": "medicationAndOrders", "chunkSizeToRead": "500", "groupedJobConfigs": [ { "tableName": "medication_data_default", "columnsToIgnore": [ "instructions", "stop_notes" ] } ] }, { "name": "Diagnoses And Conditions", "type": "diagnosesAndConditions", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" }, { "name": "Bacteriology Data", "conceptReferenceSource": "", "type": "bacteriology" }, { "name": "MetaData Dictionary", "type": "metadata", "conceptReferenceSource": "" }, { "name": "Obs Data", "type": "obs", "incrementalUpdateConfig": { "updateOn": "encounter_id", "eventCategory": "Encounter", "openmrsTableName": "encounter" }, "separateTableConfig": { "enableForAddMoreAndMultiSelect": true, "separateTables": [ ] }, "conceptReferenceSource": "", "ignoreAllFreeTextConcepts": true, "columnsToIgnore": [ "Image", "Video" ] }, { "name": "Form2 Obs Data", "type": "form2obs", "incrementalUpdateConfig": { "updateOn": "encounter_id", "eventCategory": "Encounter", "openmrsTableName": "encounter" }, "separateTableConfig": { "enableForAddMoreAndMultiSelect": true, "separateTables": [ ] }, "conceptReferenceSource": "", "ignoreAllFreeTextConcepts": true, "columnsToIgnore": [ "Image" ] }, { "name": "Registration Second Page", "type": "reg", "columnsToIgnore": [], "separateTableConfig": { "enableForAddMoreAndMultiSelect": true, "separateTables": [] }, "incrementalUpdateConfig": { "updateOn": "encounter_id", "eventCategory": "Encounter", "openmrsTableName": "encounter" } }, { "name": "Disposition Data", "type": "disposition", "columnsToIgnore": [], "incrementalUpdateConfig": { "updateOn": "encounter_id", "eventCategory": "Encounter", "openmrsTableName": "encounter" } } ], "procedures": [ { "name": "Discharge Date Procedure", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:procedureSql/dischargeDateProc.sql" }, { "name": "Age Group Procedure", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:procedureSql/ageGroupProc.sql" } ], "views": [ { "name": "patient_program_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientProgramView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_program_state_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientProgramStateView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_visits_encounters_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientVisitsEncountersView.sql" }, { "name": "appointment_admin_panel_view", "sql": "SELECT * FROM appointment_service_default LEFT OUTER JOIN service_availability_default USING (appointment_service_id, service_name)" }, { "name": "patient_details_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientDetailsView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_information_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientInformationView.sql" }, { "name": "bed_management_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/bedManagementView.sql" }, { "name": "bed_management_locations_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/locationWiseDischarge.sql" }, { "name": "patient_bed_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientBedView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_operation_theater_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientOperationTheaterView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_appointment_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientAppointmentView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_program_medication_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientProgramMedicationView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_diagnosis_condition_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientDiagnosisConditionView.sql" }, { "name": "patient_bed_tags_history_view", "sourceFilePath": "classpath:viewSql/patientBedTagView.sql" } ] }


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