Integration Points
- Sruti Sridhar
About Integration Points
When getting the data for appointments, if users would want to display additional information per appointment from other modules in Bahmni.
This can be made possible by extending the interface ''AppointmentResponseExtension'' and implementing the run method which takes appointment as input and returns a map of attributes. The returned map values are added to the appointments additional information
How to set up
This extension code should be added in the implementation specific omods.
1. Add appointments module as required module in the omod/src/main/resources/config.xml
2. Add appointments module dependency in the pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>org.openmrs.module</groupId> <artifactId>appointments-omod</artifactId> <version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency>
3. Implement extension point
@Component public class PatientBedDetails implements AppointmentResponseExtension { @Override public Map<String, String> run(Appointment appointment) { Map<String, String> additionalInfo = new HashMap<>(); BedManagementService bedManagementService = Context.getService(BedManagementService.class); BedDetails bedDetails = bedManagementService.getBedAssignmentDetailsByPatient(appointment.getPatient()); if(bedDetails!= null) { additionalInfo.put("LOCATION_KEY", bedDetails.getPhysicalLocation().getName()); additionalInfo.put("BED_NUMBER_KEY", bedDetails.getBedNumber()); } return additionalInfo; } }
- In the code above , you can use any service to fetch the relevant data from the database
- As an Example we taken bedDetails. You can use relevant model, as per the use case, to get the data.
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