Configure Users

Configure Users


OpenMRS provides a mechanism to configure users (add, assign roles, modify) through the Administration screen. OpenMRS guide provides details about the roles and privileges. In this page, description of adding users, assigning roles is elaborated.


Add New User and Assign Roles

  1. Login to OpenMRS with user having Administrator privileges.
  2. Navigate to the OpenMRS Administration page and select "Manage Users" link.

  3. Click on "Add User" link.
  4. Under "Create a new person" label, click on "Next" button.
  5. In the page which appears, add information about the user.

  6. Assign required roles to the user.
  7. Finally, click on "Save user" button to save the changes made.

Making a user as a provider (doctor / clinician / nurse)

Perform the following steps to add a user as a doctor/clinician/nurse in Bahmni (they are called providers).

  1. Click on "Manage Providers" in the OpenMRS administration page

  2. Click on "Add Provider"

  3. Enter the name of the person you want to add as provider and select it from the auto complete list and click on "Save".

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