Conditional Attributes
Conditional Attributes
This configuration allows users to show or hide sections in registration create new patient page based on conditions. For this a specific file named "attributesConditions.js" must be defined.
This file "attributesConditions.js" should be located in "/var/www/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/registration/" directory.
For example: If age is less than 18, only then show the "Guardian Details" section.
Config for sections
"patientInformation": { "patientContact": { "title": "Patient Contact", "translationKey": "Patient Contact", "attributes": [ "phoneNumber1", "phoneNumber2", "emailAddress", ] }, "guardian": { "title": "Guardian Details", "translationKey": "Guardian Details", "attributes": [ "guardianNameEnglish", "guardianGender", "guardianDob", "guardianAge", "guardianNationality" ] }, }
Here, 'patientContact' and 'guardian' are the sections. Below is the javascript that is needed to show the guardian section if patient's age is less than 18.
var showOrHideGuardianSection = function (patient) { var returnValues = { show: [], hide: [] }; if (patient["age"].years < 18) { returnValues.show.push("guardian") } else { returnValues.hide.push("guardian") } return returnValues }; Bahmni.Registration.AttributesConditions.rules = { 'age': function (patient) { return showOrHideGuardianSection(patient); }, 'birthdate': function (patient) { return showOrHideGuardianSection(patient); }, 'isGuardianRequired': function(patient) { var returnValues = { show: [], hide: [] }; if (patient["isGuardianRequired"]) { returnValues.show.push("guardian"); } else { returnValues.hide.push("guardian"); } return returnValues; } };
- Here, 'age' is the field on which the condition has to be written.
- A function has to be written which takes in 'patient' as parameter. The patient is the object that contains all the values that are filled in the form.
- The values can be accessed like 'patient["<attribute name>"]'.
- This function will be called whenever the value changes of the particular patient attribute(age in this example).
- The function has to return an object with 'show' and 'hide' as variables.
- These variables are the arrays that contains the name of the sections to be hidden or shown.
- The conditions can be written based on age, gender, birthdate, birthtime, birthdateEstimated and any other patient attribute. For example, in the third function, 'isGuardianRequired' is a patient attribute. If 'isGuardianRequired' is checked, then it will show "Guardian Details" section otherwise hide. Notice that in 'returnValues.show.push("guardian")', 'guardian' is the key of the section(refer the first code block above).
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