Graph Control


Observation Graph Control is configured to display the observations values as a graph against observation date time, age or any other concept for configured number of visits.



Sample Config

Add to clinical/dashboard.json for it to appear on the patient dashboard
"temperature": {
 "type": "observationGraph",
 "title": "Temperature",
 "config": {
    "yAxisConcepts": ["Temperature"],
    "xAxisConcept" : "observationDateTime",
    "numberOfVisits": 3

Key Field Table

typeThe name/id for the control that needs to be picked from the code.Y (in Visit Page)
titleIndicates the title that will be displayed on the dashboard/visit page for the section.Y
yAxisConceptsArray of concepts for which observations need to be plotted on the graph.Y
xAxisConceptsConcept on X Axis (observationDateTime, age or any concept).Y
numberOfVisitsSpecifies the number of visits for which data has to be displayed.N

Graph With Reference Data Control

Graph Control Config becomes Chart With Reference Data Config with the addition of the 'referenceData' in the config section referring to the .csv file as shown below



Sample Config

"growthChart": {
   "type": "observationGraph",
   "title": "Growth Chart",
   "config": {
      "yAxisConcepts": [ "Weight" ],
      "referenceData": "growthChartReference.csv",
      "numberOfVisits": 20

Key Field Table



It can be any Numeric Concept name.
It has to be a single value.
It can't be multiple values or empty. (Required)



It would be name of the csv file to be loaded.
The csv file has to be in the same folder as this config file. (Required**)
**If the referenceData is not mentioned, the config will become Graph Control Config. Then, Graph Control Config specifications are applicable.



It is the number of visits for which data has to be displayed.


Sample Reference Data CSV file

Gender, Age, Ref1, Ref2
M, 1, 10.5, 12.5
M, 2, 20.5, 22.5
F, 1, 9.5, 12
F, 2, 19.5, 22

In the example above:

  • The first row is the header row.
  • Age, Gender column name should always have 'Age', 'Gender' labels.
  • Age, Gender columns are mandatory.
  • Age is always assumed to be months (you can give decimals to represent days).
  • Other columns will correspond to the each reference line.

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