OpenERP Basic Configurations

OpenERP Basic Configurations


Post installation of Bahmni with OpenERP, the following configuration steps need to be done to get the Pharmacy, Billing & Accounting and Inventory Modules setup

1. Remove the line "update --all" from the "sudo vi /etc/init.d/openerp" file.

2. Install the following Modules

  1.   Warehouse Management Module 
  2.   Sales Management Module
  3.   Purchase Management Module 
  4.   Accounting and Finance Module 
  5.   SEARCH Reports Module (if you want these Accounting reports)

When asked about the Financial Account system choose: (INR, 0, 0, Indian Account System)

3.  Enable the following in Setting  config  warehouse :

  • Track Serial Number on Products
  • Expiry Date on Serial Number
  • Manage Multiple Location
  • Manage different unit of measures on Products

3) Settings → config  General Settings -> Allow user to import data from CSV files

4) Settings → Users → Administrator choose (Edit) — Access rights → enable Technical Features.

5) Logout from OpenERP and then re-Login

6) Go to Settings  Modules  Update Module List (Updated)

7) Restart OpenERP: 'sudo service openerp stop', and then 'sudo service openerp start'

8) Install the following modules required for Bahmni. Just search with the given name and install them.

  1. base
  2. auth_crypt
  3. product
  4. account
  5. account_voucher
  6. purchase
  7. account_accountant
  8. stock
  9. sale
  10. sale_stock
  11. purchase
  12. product_expiry
  13. bahmni_web_extensions
  14. bahmni_pharmacy_product
  15. bahmni_stock_batch_sale_price
  16. bahmni_sale_discount
  17. bahmni_customer_payment
  18. bahmni_internal_stock_move

9) Uninstall Bahmni Logger. Ensure these are also installed:

  • Bahmni Purchase flow enhancement
  • Bahmni Print Bill
  • Don't install Bahmni Seed Data install (Since it is JSS specific)
  • Don’t install Lab seed data
  • Don’t install DHIS2 stock export

10) Go to Settings → Companies → Edit and add your hospital details: name, logo, address, etc.

11) Go to Warehouse → Configurations/Warehouses → Edit/Add a warehouse (keep settings default).

12) Go to Sales → Shop  Edit/Add your shop (and choose Warehouse). Shop name must be "Pharmacy".

13) To add a Billing User, go to Settings -> Users -> Add User.

Give access rights to:

  • Sales: Manager Warehouse: None or User (One of the authorization: Warehouse or Purchases Needs to be User to make bills) 
  • Account & Finance: Accountant Purchases: None or User (One of the authorization: Warehouse or Purchases Needs to be User to make bills) 
  • Human Resources: Employee
  • Sharing: Blank
  • Administration: Blank

14) In Technical settings change:

  • Manage Multiple Units of Measure 
  • Manage Serial Numbers Enabled adding final SaleOrder charge 
  • Manage Multiple Locations and Warehouses

14) Go to to Sales > Configuration > Products (Drop Down) > Product Categories. Create a product category named "Drug" under "All products / Saleable". 

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