Address Mapping between OpenELIS and Bahmni / OpenMRS

Address Mapping between OpenELIS and Bahmni / OpenMRS

The address hierarchy in Bahmni is based on the Address Hierarchy in OpenMRS. In OpenMRS, when you create the address hierarchy, you need to ensure that it follows specific order to map to correct labels in ELIS.

Refer to below mapping for ELIS fields and Address Hierarchy Fields:

Field / Label in ELISField in OpenMRS
 House No, StreetAddress1
Gram PanchayatAddress2

If you don't see the address fields that you want to map to in the address hierarchy mapping list then update the Address Template under Locations > Manage Address Template.

Please refer to Administering Address Templates (OpenMRS Documentation) document to understand the details of the XML and the valid tags

Sample Address Template
                        <nameMappings class="properties">
                          <property name="address1" value="Location.address1"/>
                          <property name="address2" value="Location.address2"/>
                          <property name="address3" value="Tehsil"/>
                          <property name="address4" value="Location.address4"/>
                          <property name="address5" value="Location.address5"/>
                          <property name="address6" value="Location.address6"/>
                          <property name="postalCode" value="Location.postalCode"/>
                          <property name="longitude" value="Location.longitude"/>
                          <property name="startDate" value="PersonAddress.startDate"/>
                          <property name="country" value="Location.country"/>
                          <property name="countyDistrict" value="Location.district"/>
                          <property name="endDate" value="personAddress.endDate"/>
                          <property name="stateProvince" value="Location.stateProvince"/>
                          <property name="latitude" value="Location.latitude"/>
                          <property name="cityVillage" value="Location.cityVillage"/>
                        <sizeMappings class="properties">
                          <property name="postalCode" value="10"/>
                          <property name="longitude" value="10"/>
                          <property name="address2" value="40"/>
                          <property name="address1" value="40"/>
                          <property name="startDate" value="10"/>
                          <property name="country" value="10"/>
                          <property name="endDate" value="10"/>
                          <property name="stateProvince" value="10"/>
                          <property name="latitude" value="10"/>
                          <property name="cityVillage" value="10"/>
                          <string>cityVillage stateProvince country postalCode</string>
                          <string>latitude longitude</string>
                          <string>startDate endDate</string>

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