Diagnosis Control
- Sravanthi N. S. CH.
- Riya Kumari
- Teresa Gracias
- Gurpreet Luthra
It is used for the clinician to easily view a list of all diagnoses (with in configured number of visits) that the patient is diagnosed.
Sample Configuration
"diagnosis": { "translationKey": "DIAGNOSIS_KEY", "type": "diagnosis", "showRuledOutDiagnoses": false, "showCertainty": true, "showOrder": true, "showDetailsButton":true, "hideEmptyDisplayControl": false }
Key Field Table
Key | Info | Mandatory |
translationKey | Internationalizes and displays the title for the display control. | Y |
type | Indicated the type of the control. type should be "diagnosis" | Y |
showRuledOutDiagnoses | Indicates whether to filter out ruled out diagnoses or not. If set to false, ruled out diagnoses will not be displayed in the display control. | N |
showCertainty | Indicates whether certainty(CONFIRMED/PRESUMED) of the diagnosis should be displayed for each diagnosis in the display control. If set to false, certainty of the diagnosis will not be displayed for the diagnoses. | N |
showOrder | Indicates whether order(PRIMARY/SECONDARY) of the diagnosis should be displayed for each diagnosis in the display control. If set to false, orders for the diagnosis will not be displayed for the diagnoses. | N |
showDetailsButton | Configuration to display audit information when '+ ' sign is clicked. If set to false, the '+' button will not be displayed. | N |
hideEmptyDisplayControl | Hides the display control if there are no recorded values present for it when set to true, default value is set to false | N |
Refer this to configure this display control in print
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