Mart Programs Module

Mart Programs Module

This module is similar to the Clinical module present in the product. 


incrementalUpdateConfig is applicable ( Refer https://msfprojects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/329679036/Incremental+Update )
ColumnsToIgnore apply for this module ( Refer https://msfprojects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/329875787/Appendix )
"jobs": [ { "name": "Programs", "type": "programs", "chunkSizeToRead": "500" "groupedJobConfigs": [ { "tableName": "program_outcomes_default", "columnsToIgnore": [ ] } ] }

Existing OpenMRS tables

Program Concept Concept_set Concept_name Concept_view Patient_program Episode_patient_program Location Patient Patient_state Program_workflow_state Program_workflow

Flattened Mart Tables

programs_default program_outcomes_default patient_program_data_default program_workflow_default program_workflow_states_default program_attributes

Incremental Config:

Please check this section on how to enable/disable incremental config for specific mart tables.

a) programs_default - This table gives all the programs in an implementation

Openmrs tables used: program

Column Name



Program id as in Openmrs


Name of the Program


Description of the Program


Creator ID of the Program


Name of the Creator


Date on which the Program was created


If any modifications to the Program is done, the date the changes were done is captured here


ID by whom the change was done


Name by whom the change was done

b) program_outcomes_default - This table lists all the outcomes for a program. Each outcome of a program will be a separate row
Openmrs tables used: program, concept, concept_set, concept_name

Column Name



Program id as in Openmrs


Name of the Program


Outcome of the program

c)  patient_program_data_default - This table gives the data about when the patient is enrolled into a program, completion date of the program and other information like location at which the patient enrolled into a program etc.
Openmrs tables used: patient_program, episode_patient_program, concept_name, location

Column Name



Database id of patient


Program id as in Openmrs


Unique id generated when a patient is enrolled in to a program from Openmrs table patient_program


Date enrolled in to the program


Age of the patient during program enrollment

(Date difference of birth date and program enrollment date )


Date when the patient completed the program


Age of the patient during program completion
(Date difference of birth date and program completion date)


Id of the location where the patient is enrolled to a program


Name of the location where the patient is enrolled to a program


Outcome of the program for patient


Id of the user who enrolled the patient in to program

creator _name

Name of the user who enrolled the patient in to program


Date on which the entry was made


If any modifications to the patient program enrolment is done, the date the changes were done


ID by whom the change was done


Name by whom the change was done


If patient information is deleted, voided shows true. (From Openmrs table patient_program) 

d) program_workflow_default - This table lists all the workflows in a program. This is a metadata table that does not capture any user entered information. Every program can have a workflow that determines all the states a patient can transition to in that program.

Openmrs tables used: program_workflow, concept_view

Column Name



Program id as in Openmrs


Id of the workflow


Name of the workflow

f) program_workfow_states_default - This table lists all the states in workflows in a program. This is a metadata table that does not capture any user entered information. Every program can have a workflow that determines all the states a patient can transition to in that program.

Openmrs tables used: program_workflow_state, program_workflow, users, concept_view

Column Name



Unique id generated for a program workflow state


Unique id generated for program workflow


Name of the state


Name of the program workflow


True if the state is initial state else False


True if the state is terminal state else False


Id of the creator of the state


Name of the creator of the state


Date on which the state was created


Date on which if any changes are made


Id of the user who made changes


Name of the user who made changes

g) program_attributes -This table gives all the program attributes enrolled for a particular patient.

Openmrs tables used: program_attribute_type, patient_program_attribute

Mart Table:- program_attributes

Column Name



Unique id generated in DB when a patient is enrolled to a program

program_attribute 1


program_attribute 2



Mart Views

a)     patient_program_view

This view gives all the person details along with the program details that patient has been enrolled to. If a patient is enrolled into 2 programs (or twice in to the same program), there will be 2 rows corresponding to that patient id. The data related to programs will be different in two rows where as the person details data will be duplicated. This gives person details like gender, birthdate, person address, person attributes captured in registration page and program data like date enrolled in to the program, date of completion and program outcome. Patient details also includes  (Patient’s age during program enrollment) and age_group_at_progage_at_programram (Patient’s age group during program enrollment).

Mart tables used: person_details,  person_address, person_attributes, patient_program_data

b)   patient_program_state_view

This view gives all the person details along with the program details that patient has been enrolled to. If a patient is enrolled into 2 programs (or twice in to the same program), there will be 2 rows with different patient_program_id corresponding to that patient id. The data related to programs will be different in two rows where as the person details data will be duplicated. This gives person details like gender, birthdate, person address, person attributes captured in registration page and program data like date enrolled in to the program, date of completion and program outcome. Patient details also includes  (Patient’s age during program enrollment) and age_group_at_progage_at_programram (Patient’s age group during program enrollment).

Mart tables used: person_details,  person_address, person_attributes, patient_program_data

Note: patient_program_view doesn’t have state transition rows where as patient_program_state_view have it.

c)     patient_program_info_view

This view gives all the programs a patient is enrolled in to and all the state transitions that a patient has undergone as part of the program. Every patient state that details state name, start date of the state and end date of the state will be a different row and all the program related information like program name, date enrolled in to program will be duplicated. 

Mart tables used: programs, patient_program_data, patient_state



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