Bacteriology Data
All observations recorded against the concept Bacteriology Concept Set and it’s children will be in one table. All multi select and add more sections under this concept will become separate tables.
ColumnsToIgnore apply for this module ( Refer )
Currently bacteriology job is running with full load
"name": "Bacteriology Data",
"conceptReferenceSource": "",
"type": "bacteriology",
"columnsToIgnore": [
If any modification done to existing bacteriology post encounter ends then it won’t sync to mart with incremental config
Existing OpenMRS tables
Flattened Mart Tables
Since we do not have add mores/ multi-selects in bacteriology form in demo environment, there will be only one table :- bacteriology_concept_set which will have all the details.
Some of the columns in this table are as follows. Others columns are not mentioned here
Column Name | Description |
id_bacteriology_concept_set | Id reference to bacteriology concept set from |
patient_id | Id reference to patient from patient table in openmrs |
visit_id | Id reference for a visit |
encounter_id | In which encounter data is captured |
obs_datetime | Observation date and time |
date_created | Date when Bacteriology details are filled for the first time |
date_modified | Date of recent Bacteriology details updation |
location_id | Location code |
location_name | Location name |
program_id | Program code |
program_name | Name of the program |
patient_program_id | Id reference to patient program from patient_program table in openmrs |
Specimen_collection date | Date of collection of the specimen |
specimen_sample_source_noncoded | Free text answers for sample source not available in DB |
specimen_sample_source | Predefined answers for sample source available in DB |
specimen_id | Unique id for specific observation |
if we need to get those values as per the translations we need to add the below locale tag in the “/var/www/bahmni_config/bahmni-mart/bahmni-mart.json“ file.
"name": "Bacteriology Data",
"conceptReferenceSource": "",
"type": "bacteriology",
"locale" : "fr"
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