incrementalUpdateConfig is applicable ( Refer )
ColumnsToIgnore apply for this module ( Refer )
"name": "Patients",
"type": "patients",
"chunkSizeToRead": "500"
Existing OpenMRS tables
Flattened Mart Tables
Incremental Config:
Please check this section on how to enable/disable incremental config for specific mart tables.
a) patient_state_default - This table gives details about patient state transitions in a program.
Openmrs tables used: patient, patient_program, program, patient_state, program_workflow_state, concept_view
Column Name | Description |
patient_state_id | Unique column id from patient_state table from openmrs |
patient_program_id | Unique id generated in DB when a patient is enrolled to a program |
patient_id | Patient id from openmrs DB |
program_id | Program ID from the program table |
program_name | Name of the program to which the patient is enrolled |
state | Program state id |
state_name | Name of the program state |
start_date | Start date of the patient state |
end_date | End date of the patient state |
creator_id | Id of the creator who started the patient sate |
creator_name | Name of the creator who started the patient state |
date_created | Date on the which the patient moved to this state |
date_changed | Date on which any changes to the state was made |
changed_by_id | Id of the user who made changes |
changed_by_name | Name of the user who made changes |
b) patient_allergy_status_default - This table displays allergy status information of each patient, present in the person table
Openmrs tables used: patient
Mart Table :- patient_allergy_status
Column Name | Description |
patient_id | Patient id from openmrs DB |
allergy_status | Allergy status of the patient, if the value is not provided the “Unknown” will be displayed by default. |
c) patient_identifier - This is an EAV table. Columns are the pivoted values in identifier_type_table.
Openmrs tables used: patient, person, patient_identifier
Mart Table :- patient_identifier
Column Name | Description |
person_attribute_type_id | Id of person attribute type |
name | Name of the person attribute |
description | Description of the person attribute |
Mart Views
a) patient_details_view :
This view provides those patient details which help in identifying a patient in terms of Nationality, camp, and special needs like caretaker requirements, legal guardian, etc and attributes pertaining to those needs
Mart tables used: person_details, person_attributes
b) patient_information_view:
This view provides all the patient attributes, barring the PII, as captured in the Registration module.
Mart tables used : patient_identifier, person_details, person_attributes, person_address
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