EAV (Entity Attribute Value) Job

EAV (Entity Attribute Value) Job

We have EAV job in mart to get the attributes for Provider, Programs, Person, Visits and Operation Theatre. Also the identifier values for Patient. Below is the list of mart tables for the same.

1. Provider Attributes

provider_attributes table gives all the provider attribute information in an implementation.

Openmrs tables used: provider, provider_attribute, provider_attribute_type

Existing OpenMRS tables
provider provider_attribute provider_attribute_type


{ "name": "Provider Attributes", "type": "eav", "tableName": "provider_attributes", "eavAttributes": { "attributeTypeTableName": "provider_attribute_type", "attributeTableName": "provider_attribute", "valueTableJoiningId": "attribute_type_id", "typeTableJoiningId": "provider_attribute_type_id", "valueColumnName": "value_reference", "primaryKey": "provider_id" } }

2. Patient Identifier

patient_identifier is the mart table and the columns are the pivoted values in identifier_type table.

Openmrs tables used: patient, person, patient_identifier

Existing OpenMRS tables
patient person patient_identifier

The patient_identifier mart table has all the columns from patient_identifier_type openmrs table,

patient_id from patient_identifier;


3. Person Attributes

person_attributes table contains  all the patient attributes that where used in the registration page. Columns will be generated dynamically based on the attributes that were used as a part of that specific implementation.

Eg : givenName, familyName, isCaretakerRequired, caretakerGender

Existing OpenMRS tables


4. Program Attributes:

program_attributes table gives all the program attributes enrolled for a particular patient.

Openmrs tables used: program_attribute_type, patient_program_attribute

Existing OpenMRS tables



5. Visit Attributes:

visit_attributes table gives all the visit attributes for that particular visit type.

Existing OpenMRS tables



6. OT Attributes:

surgical_appointment_attributes gives all the surgical attributes created for a surgery.

Existing OpenMRS tables




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