Orders Job
The orders placed for the patients will be flattened into analytics database with orderable name (Eg: Lab Samples, Radiology, etc.). A separate table will be created for each orderable with same structure. The following is the example for lab samples.
ColumnsToIgnore apply for this module ( Refer https://msfprojects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/329875787/Appendix )
incrementalUpdateConfig is applicable ( Refer https://msfprojects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/329679036/Incremental+Update )
"name": "Medication And Orders",
"type": "medicationAndOrders",
"chunkSizeToRead": "500",
"groupedJobConfigs": [
"columnsToIgnore": [
Existing OpenMRS tables
Flattened Mart Tables
Incremental Config:
Please check this section on how to enable/disable incremental config for specific mart tables.
a) lab_samples
Column Name | Description |
patient_id | Id of patient to whom order belongs |
date_created | Order created dated |
encounter_id | Encounter id |
encounter_type_id | ID of the encounter type |
encounter_type_name | Name of the encounter type |
type_of_test | Type of test: Eg. Blood |
panel_name | Different panels in a type of test. Eg: Hematology, Anaemia Panel are two panels in Blood |
test_name | Test corresponds to the panel Eg: HPLC, Coombs Test (Direct), Coombs Test (Indirect), G6PD are four tests in Hematology |
visit_id | Unique visit id |
visit_type | Visit name Eg: Clinic |
visit_type_id | ID of the visit type |
b) radiology_orders
Column Name | Description |
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