Operation Theatre - Module
incrementalUpdateConfig is applicable ( Refer https://msfprojects.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/329679036/Incremental+Update )
"name": "Operation Theater",
"type": "operationTheater",
"chunkSizeToRead": "500"
Existing OpenMRS tables
Flattened Mart Tables
Incremental Config:
Please check this section on how to enable/disable incremental config for specific mart tables.
a) surgical_block_default
Column Name | Description |
surgical_block_id | Identifier for the table |
primary_provider_name | Name of the Surgeon performing the surgery |
creator_name | Name of creator for surgical block |
location_name | Location of the operation theatre |
block_starttime | Start time for surgery block |
block_endtime | End time for surgery block |
date_created | Date of creation for surgical block |
date_changed | Changed date if modified |
changed_by | Name of person who changed the surgical block |
b) surgical_appointment_default
Column Name | Description |
surgical_appointment_id | Table Identifier |
surgical_block_id | Identifier for surgical block related to this surgery |
patient_id | Identifier for the patient undergoing surgery |
sort_weight | Weight will be used to order the appointment |
status | Status of the surgery |
actual_start_datetime | Actual Surgery start time |
actual_end_datetime | Actual time at which surgery ended |
notes | Notes added after surgery |
date_created | Date when the surgery appointment was created |
date_changed | If modified the date of modification of the surgery appointment |
creator_name | Name of the person who created the surgery appointment |
changed_by | Name of the person who modified the surgery appointment |
c) surgical_appointment_attributes
Column Name | Description |
surgical_appointment_id | Identifier for the surgical appointment |
procedure | Name of the surgical procedure |
estTimeHours | Estimated time for surgery in hours |
estTimeMinutes | Estimated time for surgery in minutes extra to the above hours |
cleaningTime | Time for cleaning after the surgery |
otherSurgeon | Name of additional surgeon |
surgicalAssistant | Name of assistant |
anaesthetist | Name of the doctor who performs anesthesia |
scrubNurse | Name of scrub nurse for the surgery |
circulatingNurse | Name of circulating nurse ( nurse from other location ) |
notes | Notes added after surgery is done |
d) surgical_appointment_attribute_type_details_default
Column Name | Description |
name | Name of the attributes used in the surgical appointment table |
description | Description of the attributes used |
Mart Views
a) patient_operation_theater_view
This provides a comprehensive view of operation theatre block details such as creation date, surgeries scheduled, location of the block, surgeon assigned, procedure to be carried out, etc. Since a patient can have multiple surgeries scheduled at different times there can be multiple rows , but of different data for the same patient. Patient details includes age_at_surgery (Age of the patient during surgery) and age_group_at_surgery (Age group of the patient during surgery). The surgical block date corresponds to all the surgeries planned in that block for that day. Whenever a surgery is postponed the block date will give the actual scheduled time of the surgery.
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