Appointment Scheduling - Module
ColumnsToIgnore apply for this module ( Refer )
incrementalUpdateConfig is applicable ( Refer )
"name": "Appointments",
"type": "appointments",
"chunkSizeToRead": "500",
"groupedJobConfigs": [
"tableName": "appointment_service_default",
"columnsToIgnore": [
Existing OpenMRS tables
Flattened Mart Tables
Note : The below Mart tables are created by customSql job type.
Incremental Config:
Please check this section on how to enable/disable incremental config for specific mart tables.
a) patient_appointment_default
Column Name | Description |
patient_id | Patient identification number. |
appointment_id | Id reference for an appointment |
appointment_location | Location where the appointment is created |
appointment_provider | Creator of the appointment |
appointment_service | Service of the appointment |
appointment_service_duration | Service duration of the appointment |
appointment_service_type | Service type of the appointment |
appointment_service_type_duration | Service type duration of the appointment |
appointment_speciality | Speciality of the appointment |
appointment_start_time | Start_time of the appointment |
appointment_status | Status of the appointment |
appointment_end_time | End time of the appointment |
appointment_kind | Refers whether it is WalkIn or Scheduled appt. |
comments | Comments given during appointment creation |
b) appointment_service_default
Column Name | Description |
appointment_service_id | Id of appointment service |
location_name | Location of the appointment |
service_description | Description of the service |
service_duration | Duration of the service |
service_starttime | Start time of the service |
service_endtime | End time of the service |
service_max_load | Max load of the service |
service_name | Name of the service |
service_type | Type of the service |
service_type_duration | Duration of service type |
speciality | Speciality of the service |
c) appointment_speciality_default
Column Name | Description |
speciality_id | Id of speciality |
speciality | Appointment speciality |
d) service_availability_default
Column Name | Description |
appointment_service_id | Id of appointment_service |
availability_start_time | Start time of the availability |
availability_end_time | End time of the availability |
availability_day_of_week | Day on which service is available |
availability_max_load | Max load of the availability |
service_location | Location of the service |
service_name | Name of the service |
Mart views
a ) patient_appointment_view
This view combines person_details_default, person_attributes and patient_appointment_default tables. Additionally, age_during_appointment (Date difference between patient_appointment_startdate and birthdate) and the corresponding age group.
b ) appointment_admin_panel_view
This view combines appointment_service_default and service_availability_default
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