Treatment Programs

Treatment Programs

About the Feature

A Program is a feature that is typically used when a patient is identified as belonging to a group which needs regular consultations or interventions. For example, programs might be used for diseases such as HIV, tuberculosis or even conditions such as pregnancy or interventions such as childhood immunization. These are situations that demand periodic monitoring to ensure that the patient is progressing on the right path.

Other important reasons for using a program are for situations where entry and exit dates of a patient into a program are required for reporting purposes and to trigger specific workflows. Using Bahmni, a program can be defined with a specific workflow and patients can be enrolled into this program. The patient's state changes over a timeline can be easily visualized. Separate reports can be generated for encounters within a program and for encounters that are not part of the program.

With the program module, it is possible to :

  1. Enroll a patient to a program
  2. Track patient progress
  3. Remove a patient from the program

Where is it Used?

Hospitals which run programs involving frequent/periodic followups for specific diseases or conditions (eg. TB care or Pre/Post Natal Care).


The program module is useful in monitoring patients with diseases that require prolonged/extended treatment. It helps in monitoring when the patient enrolled in the program and keeps track of their progress over time. This is also useful in generating reports to check efficacy of a particular treatment regimen for a patient.


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