Pharmacy Management

Pharmacy Management

About the Feature

Pharmacy management entails usage of stock management and billing & accounting. Stock management helps the user in effectively dispensing drugs and managing the products (medicines, other supplies). Billing and accounting helps to bill for drugs and services(such as radiology and laboratory orders), as well as for payment, discount and credit. 

Please not that these functions are performed in OpenERP, which syncs with Bahmni. The Bahmni front-end is used only for prescribing drug orders and services by the clinician.

Where is it Used?

Pharmacy management is used primarily by the pharmacy section in a healthcare facility. However in certain scenarios, it can also be used by the healthcare provider such as in small health units in remote areas.


Pharmacy management enables a healthcare facility to effectively dispense medications to patients, monitor & manage stock and suppliers and in billing and accounting for drugs and services.


Drugs grouped by Categories

Services Grouped 

Customer Sale Order Example

 OpenERP7 Screenshots

Drugs Configured in OpenERP

Services Configured in OpenERP

Sales Order - Example

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