Configuring Data Quality Dashboard

Configuring Data Quality Dashboard


This feature helps ensure data quality on chosen variables. Based on the rules defined for those variables, a run for the patients yields a list of patients for whom the data is incomplete/erroneous. The results are displayed as a list of all data inconsistencies on a dashboard called the Data Quality Dashboard.

The rules can be customized by an implementer (Steps for the same will be updated later). These rules can be sometimes very complex and therefore the rules can be written in java/sql/groovy depending on the complexity. 

This feature is influenced from the OpenMRS data integrity module (https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Data+Integrity+Module) and slightly modified to suit requirements.

Configure the Data Quality Dashboard:                                       

1. Run Background job

The data integrity task is scheduled to run every day at 12:00AM  by default. To change this setting, go to OpenMRS Administration > Manage Scheduler > click on Data Integrity Task  link > Schedule and change  the repeat interval .

2. Internationalize Data integrity module name

Add the value for key in respective home/ locale_${en,fr, .. }.json.


3. Internationalize Column Headers

Add the values for the following keys in respective clinical/locale_${en, fr, .. }.json. Sample values for the keys are provided below:

In clinical/locale_en.json, 

Code Snippet
    "DQ_PRINT_TITLE_DATA_QUALITY_REPORT": "Data Quality Report",
    "DQ_DASHBOARD": "Data Quality Dashboard",
    "DQ_COLUMN_TITLE_REG_FACILITY":"Treatment facility" 

Change of name key

The key for name is changed from "name" to "DQ_COLUMN_TITLE_NAME" and column "DQ_COLUMN_TITLE_REG_FACILITY" is added from 1.4 release

4. Configure Print Button and HTML location

Add the config below to extension-dataintegrity.json

Code Snippet
  "bahmni_clinical_patients_search_allpatients_app_clinical": {
    "id": "bahmni.clinical.patients.search.allPatients",
    "extensionPointId": "org.bahmni.patient.search",
    "type": "config",
    "extensionParams": {
      "searchHandler": "endtb.sqlSearch.dataIntegrity",
      "forwardUrl": "#/default/patient/{{patientUuid}}/dashboard?programUuid={{programUuid}}&enrollment={{enrollment}}",
      "translationKey": "MODULE_LABEL_ERROR_REPORTS_KEY",
      "view" : "tabular",
      "showPrint": true,
      "printHtmlLocation": "/bahmni_config/openmrs/apps/dataintegrity/patientListPrint.html",
    "order": 1,
    "requiredPrivilege": "app:clinical"

5. Hide Print Button

To hide print button on the DQ Dashboard set

 "showPrint": false

6. Configure Searchable Columns

To configure columns to search on the DQ Dashboard, add the column keys to the list in searchColumns. The search facility can be enabled on all columns.

The configuration below will enable search on columns Treatment Reg No, Name of the patient.


Implementation of DQRules

  1. The list of rules that are executed can be found in the table dataintegrity_rule  in openMRS database.
  2. DQ Rules for EndTB are written in the the openmrs-module-bahmniendtb repository

Writing new custom rules

  1. To write custom rules, clone the repository 

 git clone https://github.com/Bahmni/openmrs-module-bahmniendtb

       2. Follow these steps to add a new DQ Rule :

    • The rules written in Java can be found in this folder in the repository :  openmrs-modulebahmniendtb/api/src/main/java/org/openmrs/module/bahmniendtb/dataintegrity/rules
    • Every rule is written as  a Java class that implements RuleDefn<PatientProgram> interface.
    • The logic for the rule is written in the evaluate method.
    • The rule can be inserted into the dataintegrity_rule table as below :
query to insert rule
INSERT INTO dataintegrity_rule ( rule_name, rule_category, handler_config, handler_classname, uuid ) VALUES ( "Baseline Firstling DST missing", "java", "java", "org.openmrs.module.bahmniendtb.dataintegrity.rules.RuleName", uuid());

Deploy the latest DQ Rule for local testing

  • Run the below command on openmrs-module-bahmniendtb directory
mvn clean install
  • The OMOD  is generated in this location : openmrs-module-bahmniendtb/omod/target/bahmniendtb-1.4-SNAPSHOT.omod
  • Replace the old OMOD with the one generated as above in /opt/openmrs/modules folder in vagrant box
  • Restart openMRS service
sudo service openmrs restart

Sample DQ Rules

The following are some sample DQ Rules

Next Steps

Open discussion with community

Support for rule_group and schedule tables so that certain rules can be grouped and can be assigned specific groups to a different schedules. (open for discussion)

Building ability to run rules per patient and making rule groups.

On this page

Feature Details

Related pages

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