Data Quality Dashboard

Data Quality Dashboard

About the Feature

This feature helps ensure data quality on chosen variables. Based on the rules defined for those variables, a run for the patients yields a list of patients for whom the data is incomplete/erroneous. The results are displayed as a list of all data inconsistencies on a dashboard called the Data Quality Dashboard.

The dashboard also provides the end user a link to fix those inconsistencies. After the inconsistency is fixed, it will no longer be visible in the data quality dashboard. In case a form is absent for the patient then this link will direct the user to the patient dashboard. Notes added to the variables will be visible under the notes column. In case the form for the variable isn't filled yet,then "X form is not filled" is displayed.

The rules can be customized by an implementer. These rules can be sometimes very complex and therefore the rules can be written in java/sql/groovy depending on the complexity. The Data Quality Dashboard columns can be Internationalized.

This feature is influenced from the OpenMRS data integrity module (https://wiki.openmrs.org/display/docs/Data+Integrity+Module) and slightly modified to suit requirements.

To learn how to configure this