Production (or test) environment setup
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Host setup for production or test environments
Install CentOS 6.5+ operation system. Please notes that - Bahmni's automated scripts work on 64-bit architecture.
Setup the OS environment variables. Typically you would do this ~/.bash_profile file. Bahmni OS environment variable reference is here. We recommend setting up production environment as two servers - active and passive. Active server is used by the users. Passive server is a warm standby which can be made active, after performing few steps (document this), in case the active server is becomes non-functional for some reason. Passive server's database is continuously replicated from the active server's database.
Following are the OS environment variables for Bahmni. Whereever there is a default value and it meets your requirements then you do not need to setup that variable. If you are setting up a production environment in active/passive mode, then you should setting up the environment variables according to that.
FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openerp (default=true)
FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openelis (default=true)
FACTER_implementation_name (no default)
JASPER_HOME (default=/usr/local/jasperreports-server-cp-5.0.0-bin)
FACTER_bahmni_user_name (default=bahmni)
bahmni_server_type (default=active)
bahmni_reporting_server (default=localhost)
Run provision. In active/passive setup, run this on both the servers. The different value of environment variables are used by provisioning to setup the active and passive differently.
If you have a database dump for OpenMRS, OpenELIS and/or OpenERP, apply them. In A/P setup this should be done only onto the active server. This is a manual step.
Setup Replication. Apply Dump on Passive. (manual)
Deploy Services (both A & P)
Start Apache, Tomcat and OpenERP (only on A in A/P)
Start Jasper Server (only on P in A/P)
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