Environment Variables to be set for Implementation

Environment Variables to be set for Implementation


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This information is only valid for Puppet based installations. We are going to move to RPM + Ansible based installations soon. Then this document will become obsolete.


The following environment variables must be set on the machine (Vagrant Box, VM, CI, Production, etc) which specify implementation details. This is needed for puppet scripts to perform the appropriate provisioning and deployment.

FACTER_bahmni_user_name: Will indicate the user to create on the machine under which tomcat and various other OpenMRS modules will be deployed (default is jss for backward compatibility). Recommended value: bahmni

FACTER_implementation_nameWill indicate which config repository to deploy to the system (jss-config, search-config, etc). Default value is jss for backward compatibility. Recommended to set it to your hospital implementation like: search, nepal, etc.

ELIS_DEFAULT_ORGANIZATION_NAME: Will override the "reference.data.default.organization" property from atomfeed.properties file of ELIS. This variable is usually set to Organization name in ELIS where all reference data Tests will be linked. Although it is preferred that you edit the atomfeed.properties file on the production server to minimize confusion. But, that may not be possible for each deployment (esp for Devs and CI), hence the environment variable override option has been provided.

FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openerp: Set to true if you want to deploy OpenERP. If not set, OpenERP would not be deployed.

FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openelis: Set to true if you want to deploy OpenELIS. If not set, OpenELIS would not be deployed.

 FACTER_deploy_bahmni_appointments: Set to true if you want to use the Appointments Scheduling functionality. 

FACTER_bahmni_nagios_server_ip: The ip address of the nagios server.

FACTER_bahmni_nagios_machine_type: "server" or  "client". Default is "client" if unspecified.

FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_ip: The active or primary machine.

FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_host_name: The active machine host name. This will be shown in nagios UI.

FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_ip: The passive or secondary machine.

FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_host_name: The passive machine host name. This will be shown in nagios UI.

FACTER_bahmni_support_email: Bahmni support email id.

FACTER_db_server_ip: Primary database server ip.



Environment Variables
#For example for SEARCH hospital, the following should be set into your ~/.bashrc file
export FACTER_bahmni_user_name=bahmni
export FACTER_implementation_name=default
export FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openerp=false
export FACTER_deploy_bahmni_openelis=true
export FACTER_deploy_bahmni_appointments=true
#required for nagios server/client installation
export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_server_ip=<the machine ip in which nagios is installed>
export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_machine_type="server"
export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_ip=<active machine ip>
export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_host_name=<Active host name>
export FACTER_bahmni_support_email=<support mail id>
export FACTER_db_server_ip=<server in which mysql is present>
export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_ip=<active machine ip>
export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_host_name=<Active host name>

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