Provisioning a new "Scaleworks" box for Nagios

Steps remain same till "Add the environment variables" /wiki/spaces/BAH/pages/18415622

After that,

1.) Add the environment variables

  • /root/.bashrc
  • export FACTER_bahmni_user_name=bahmni
  • export FACTER_implementation_name=default
  • export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_server_ip=<the machine ip in which nagios is installed>
  • export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_machine_type="server"
  • export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_ip=<active machine ip>
  • export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_host_name=<Active host name>
  • export FACTER_bahmni_support_email=<support mail id>
  • export FACTER_db_server_ip=<server in which mysql is present>
  • ----optional ---
    • export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_ip=<passive machine ip>
    • export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_host_name=<passive host name>

2.) Create the logs folder

  • sudo mkdir -p /bahmni_temp/logs

3.) ** Only if Nagios is installed in a separate machine (not in active/passive) **

  • useradd <same value as FACTER_bahmni_user_name>
  • passwd <same value FACTER_bahmni_user_name>
  • add this user to /etc/sudoers

4.) Run puppet Module

  • scripts/ bahmni_nagios
  • if there are any errors check if config is fine - /usr/bin/nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg

5.) ** Only if Nagios is installed in a separate machine (not in active/passive) **: Step to open ports for nagios to check services

  • sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
  • sudo service iptables save
  • sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5666 -j ACCEPT
  • sudo service iptables save

6.) Run the below command to set the password for nagiosadmin (Set password to nagiosadmin)

  • htpasswd -c /etc/nagios/htpasswd.users nagiosadmin

7.) Restart httpd

  • service httpd restart

8.) Access https://<ip of machine in which nagios is installed>/nagios  and access it with the password set above.

9.) Edit pb_hba.conf (on db server) to add FACTER_bahmni_nagios_server_ip

10.) Install postgres

  • yum install postgresql92



Set up clients for Nagios to monitor:

1.) Add environmental variables:

  • /root/.bashrc
  • export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_server_ip=<the machine ip in which nagios is installed>
  • export FACTER_bahmni_nagios_machine_type="client"
  • export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_ip=<active machine ip>
  • export FACTER_bahmni_active_machine_host_name=<Active host name>
  • ----optional ---
    • export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_ip=<passive machine ip>
    • export FACTER_bahmni_passive_machine_host_name=<passive host name>

2.) Run puppet Module

  • scripts/ bahmni_nagios
  • if there are any errors check if config is fine - /usr/bin/nagios -v /etc/nagios/nagios.cfg


In /etc/nagios/objects/localhost.cfg, change the Active, Passive Ips


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